The world's largest front page

Breaking News is an unique chance to be part of the largest front page of the world

01.06.2018  |  by ACED  |  General Activities

Wisse Ankersmit

Breaking News is an unique chance to be part of the largest front page of the world. ACED lets you think about the news of the future in a creative and unique way, through an exclusive workshop where all participants have the opportunity to express their independent opinion and vision.

The program takes place in one of the beautiful spaces of Lloyd Hotel, where every participant literally has one square meter to tell his or her story. This can be done with text, image, paint, sound, performance or a light show. How you want to shape the news of the future is on you. All individual contributions together will form one collective front page.

The emphasis of the workshop will be - besides formulating a sharp statement - mainly on a creative and visual translation of this. You will be guided in this by a team of experts including Tessel Bruhl, Noortje van Eekelen, Bart Eysink Smeets, Wilbert van der Heijden, Stijn Postema, Jasper Schelling and Yifan Yaing. Coffee, tea and lunch are included for all participants. The program is offered in both English and Dutch.

Interested to participate in this program? Make sure you get hold of a festival pass (regular 10 euro | students 5 euro) via the website of We Make The City. After purchasing the festival pass you can register for this workshop free of charge.

Breaking News is an initiative by ACED, Lloyd Hotel, Pakhuis de Zwijger and We Make The City.


Stijn Postema


Wilbert van der Heijden


Wisse Ankersmit

Graphic Designer

Yifan Yaing
